senior portraits

Lens Flare, Don't Care

Confession time: As a former photojournalist for a newspaper back when you could still get ink on your fingers, I was taught to avoid lens flare at all cost.

For those unfamiliar, lens flare, as I learned it, can range from small, almost imperceptible white imperfections cast by a low sun (the acne of golden hour, if you will) to an almost frame-filling filter of orange that is, admittedly, very pretty.

It turns out that the fun of lens flare is the space in between those two extremes. After three years in Austin, a lot of that time spent learning from other photographers who weren’t splitting their education between apertures and AP Style, I’ve finally come around to taking some chances with lighting.

Not every photo is a win. But at least every photo is different.

A Very Austin Graduation

Because I shoot on-location as a rule, clients often come to me for advice on what those locations should be. But when Linda anted three spots for her graduation photo shoot, she needed no recommendations. 

As a high school senior looking to stick close to Austin, Linda chose iconic spots that spoke to her as home: South Congress Street, the San Jose Hotel, and of course, the Texas Capitol.